Friday, August 20, 2010

Money and Movies

Alrighty then. I'm curious to see how this plays out: I went to an ATM machine last week and tried to extract some dinero, three hundred balboas (dollars) to be exact. The machine smiled warmly and said in its most consoling voice, "Sorry, I don't have enough on me at the moment to meet your request." I tried another machine further down the street and it too declined my withdrawal. Okay, I figured, the guy who fills these things each day must have gotten tied up in traffic. Not to worry, not to worry.

Well hell yes to worry! A few days later I pulled up my bank statement on the Internet and Lo and Be Freaking Hold, the money had been deducted from my account! Only one thing to do I reasoned reasonably, go to the bank heavily armed and get my money back. I took both the attached to my shoulders arms, neither of which are particularly heavy, but they're the only ones I have, to the bank whose ATM was running the scam and explained my dilemma to the manager, a woman, who appeared to be in her late teens. I had printed out a copy of my bank statement to show the bogus withdrawal and after the far too young manager-ette finished smirking at my overall balance, she did note the withdrawal was from her bank's machine. No big deal she said more or less. We just send this on to Panama City for verification and in a few days your account will be credited with the missing amount. Well, I've heard that song sung before. Panama City is where all things are sent if not to die, at least to linger long. I'll give it until this time next week and then I'll charge back there and threaten to tell the manager's parents the whole thing. Maybe she'll be grounded.

We watched Luna Nuevo (New Moon)the second movie in the Crepusculo (Twilight) series and it was...better than the first, but only because of a scene near the end that takes place somewhere in Italy and introduces some really interesting vampires: old, powerful vampires. Other than that, it was more of the same mooning, angst ridden, jealous, emotionally charged, teenagers wrapped in vampire and were wolves bodies. As a movie I give it two Stars. As a horror movie it gets minus one Bloody Chain Saw.

We also watched Un Sueno Possible, the feel good movie in which Sandra Bullock walks around in tight fitting clothes - my favorite part - and takes in a large homeless black kid as part of her family. Sandra won an Academy Award for her role, a thing I think overly generous as the part didn't require much beyond adapting a slight southern accent, but then, hey, who am I to say even if I am a lot more discerning than those Academy members who vote and she did, in addition to wearing those excellent outfits, have nice hair throughout. I'm sure the Academy voters took this into consideration. I gave the movie three Stars out of a possible five. It failed though as a sports movie so no Bloody Footballs were awarded.

At the video store I was told that Benicio Del Torro's Hombre Lobo (Wolfman) was finally in, but had been rented out that day. This information was immediately awarded three Alrighty Thens as something to look forward to. Tune in next week for the review.

One final note: RTGFKAR returned from Hospital Chiriqui yesterday where he had brought his ears to be treated intra-venously with antibiotics for an infection that had taken hold within them. Being emotionally and physically attached to his ears, RTGFKAR stayed with them for the entire three days of the treatment. This, I think is commendable behavior and as such is in the running for the Academy of Waxy Buildups highest award, The Simonize.


Anonymous said...

Not simonize, simonearz

Anonymous said...

1. hope you get your money back! you might have to kick that ATM's a**.

2. the third twilight movie is better than the second, but not as good as the campy, low-budget first. also: edward is still super hot but i'm on team jacob.

3. hope TGFKAR is all better - ear infections are no fun!