Saturday, May 27, 2006

music, golf and more

I lay in bed last night thinking the oddest things. For instance, what if countries were musical instruments? Great Britain would surely be a bagpipe, France a french horn and Spain a guitar...and castinets. Germany must be a piano because of its long list of famous composers or...a complete martial marching band. Italy is a violin and in eastern Europe there are a slew of countries that are accordians. India is a snake charmer's horn supplemented by that tinkly thing the ladies shake while wiggling. Or is it wiggle while shaking. Or maybe it's a sitar. Japan and China are the annoying wooden flute that plays in both the background of martial arts movies and meditation tapes. A little schizo there. Think David Carridine in Kung Fu. ( I am so peaceful and calm I can't keep my eyelids open, but nevertheless I must now kick your ass.) Panama is drums. They were beating furiously in the distance last night which may have inspired this whole train of thought. If inspired is the word. And train is probably off the mark as well. More like a couple of volkswagons creeping along in traffic. For Brazil I'm thinking Congas, but for the rest of South and Central America I haven't a clue. Mexico is a mishmash of horns, coronets, bugles, trumpets, tubas. I hear bullfight music. Canada. Canada? I don't know, do they have music there? Probably an organ if anything. Background noise at the hockey game. And the U.S.? My first thought was that the musical instrument that most represents the U.S. is a hammer. Then I softened a bit in regards to my misguided motherland and thought symbols. We do clash. Ultimately, I couldn't settle on anything. What is the instrument of Blues, Rock, Jazz, Gospel, Rap, Hiphop, Doo Wop and on and on. maybe it's the voice. What do you think?

Then flipping the page to the Sports Section, I note that Virada Nirapathpongporn is in the lead at the Corning Classic Golf Tournament. Just exactly what kind of porn is that anyway? Nira path pong porn. I think I'll just leave this one alone.

And, on a serious note, a note played by the instrument of your choice, something mournful like a cello will do, I have just read that at least 2500 people were killed by an earthquake in Indonesia yesterday. I may have to revise my thinking about our recent tremors. Whoa cool is just not cutting it.

Love at ya,


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