Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Here We Go Again

The Nuggets, featuring A.I. and Melo for the first time, blew out the Memphis Grizzlies last night. Yeah, I know, you're all thrilled, but I had to mention it, because, actually, I am. Thrilled that is.

It doesn't take a lot to thrill me these days. I've lowered my thrill threshold to include things like walking the dog and not finding spiders in the bathroom. Today, however, we are off to the Tuesday Gringo Meeting at the Panamonte Hotel to hear another health insurance presentation. Scroll back a few dozen blogs and you can read how thrilled I was the last time we went to one of these yawners. This morning's host is going to be the Mae Lewis Hospital group. They have, apparently, devised a Gringo friendly insurance plan and we are going to learn all about it. Or, rather, Woowoo Charly is going to learn all about it. I am going to try not to fall asleep and drool on my shoes. To that end I am inhaling quarts of coffee as I write and expect more at the meeting. I won't fall asleep, but I will twitch.

I do have questions though. Who is Mae Lewis and why does she have a hospital? And why doesn't she have a Panamanian name? Was she run out of some English speaking country? Is she blonde, brunette or other? Vital statistics? The Mae Lewis Group sounds like a choir. I love gospel music. Black ladies in robes belting out R and B. Are we going to get any of that? Pass the plate down the aisle, make your tithe, clap your hands and hum your way to cheap health care. Amen brother! I'm for it!

Not likely though. " We will pay ninety percent of your non deductible, first visit under provision B, plan four, if, after close examination, no further blood can be removed from the stone, gall, kidney or otherwise and all premiums have been paid two years in advance of debilitating illness, unless said patient is a dear friend of someone in the administration or has personally slept with Mae or Lewis in which case, they have already contracted something and are not eligible for benefits." Written, of course, in Spanish. Insurance companies are insurance companies the world over.

Nevertheless, alwaysthemore is my motto and in search of said, here we go. Wish us luck.


Christopher Bolton said...

The Nuggeteers truly was a show. Never thought I'd be calling A.I. a class act but he was last night.

Melo, on the other hand, needs a good thrashin' - it's clear he had no older brothers - and there's no better candidate to deliver said thrashing than A.I. If I see Melo deliver another slap and then franchise-retreat behind his team I will start a petition to have him ousted from manliness. Keep your hands to yourself would be the first order of the day. But if you can't do that then own your actions.

good luck with mae west zendoc. don't get too close-up though.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...yeah. What he said. About the ball and stuff.

Here's where specialK gets real quiet.

Son#2? DZBrooklyn?

Christopher Bolton said...

mr. zendoc and charlywoowoo,

is that right? did I get it right? though i'm in the business of nicknames these two have me in fluster.

feeling bad that I'm all embedded in your blog life but you don't get the reciprocal deal. so....


the story of - and attendant wise advice - your marathon was well received so I thought you might like entry into the bigger part of the process.



Zendoc said...

Left a note on skraam.

It's Woowoo Charly and...really...just Doc.

K. Do you have the actual story I wrote after the marathon? I'd like to see it if you do.

Anonymous said...

*me, happily listening to my fella and my pops share their funny smarts*

Don't let him fool you, bb, it's not "Woowoo Charly." Just Charly. Just Doc. Doc & Charly.

Funny. When we were growing up, they were so formal. They demanded that all our friends call them nothing but Mr. Walton and Mrs. Walton.

Central America must have really mellowed them out.

Christopher Bolton said...

I like that. We should make a tv show:
Just Charly and Just Doc - a half hour comedy about a fair and honorable couple.

Anonymous said...

Clearly you don't know them!

Anonymous said...

I know. Iknow, go to your room.

Anonymous said...

Son#2, meet my fellah.

Billy Buck, meet my brothah.