Monday, June 11, 2007

Dog Stuff

Gustavo, Gus, Dog Breath, Boy-o, Poop a Loops, Mancers, Gussers, Loops, and Fur Face are all names Woowoo Charly and I call our dog. Cookie Dude, Walk Man, Key Master, Door Man, Bone Buyer, Washer Man and Play Station are all names he calls me. Charly is Soft Touch, Sweet Voice and Medicine Woman. At first RTGFKAR was simply New Guy In Pack, but now I think he's Additional Petting Person.

A good day for Gus is one in which he gets to join us when we go anywhere in the car. He places his back legs on the back seat and his front legs on the console between the front seats and in this way is able to see out the front windshield. We two legged pack members lower a back window about half way so Gus can snarl at passing dogs, a thing that makes him almost as happy as chasing chickens. If, on the same day, he gets a walk to our new house site, he displays evidence of what I suspect is dog bliss. There's a lot of wide eyed panting and nose to the ground running amok. He smells out so many spots to pee on that inside of five minutes he's air peeing which seems to be okay with him. Most of the time I can't even see him as he streaks through the underbrush so periodically I call him back to check in. That's when I call him Good Boy. It's the name that makes him happiest of all.

And that is all I have time for. Lizbeth, our builder, is coming over to discuss house stuff. Gus just can't wait. Jumping on guests is also one of his favorite things to do. Bad Dog is a name that also makes him happy.

He's an easy dog to please.


Zendoc said...


Anonymous said...

What's lame?

The pic of Gustavo is adorable. More, more, more!

Zendoc said...

The blog was lame,uninspired.