Saturday, June 30, 2007

Name That Tune

It's the wee hours of the morning. I know because I've wee-d twice already. Thought I'd get up early and watch my computer screen emerge from the dark and play its little I'm awake jingle. I wonder if it could be programmed to play something else when it lights up. I'm kind of partial to, "Why don't we do it in the road" and Dave Barry's favorite, " There's not enough room in my Fruit Of the Looms to hold all my love for you."

We've all had the what song would you play if you only had one song to wake up to each morning conversation and although I've always stated my preference is Zippedy Doo Dah, I have recently - probably because of the great wisdom I've acquired with age...either that or something I learned from my mentor, Paris Hilton - been considering changing my selection to "And Thus Spake Zarathustra." That's the one from the movie "2001 A Space Odyssey." This tune would allow me to get up a little slower and besides that, Zarathustra is a really great name. In fact, if I had another kid I'd name him/her Zarathustra. Maybe my youngest daughter could accept a middle name of Thustra. That way she could be Dara Thustra, which is close. Other good reasons for selecting the song as a morning wake up call are the words "thus" and "spake". How often do you get to use those? I could initiate the what song conversation just to get them in. (I'm a little unsure of the conjugation though. Is it speak spoke spake?) (Conjugate is a good word too. Why don't we conjugate in the road?)

I don't think I've ever had the what song would you play when you go to bed conversation. ("Singing in the Rain" just popped into my head for showering...or maybe weeing.) Maybe I could play something backwards. "Zarathustra Spake Thus" makes sense to me. Of course if you are married you'd have to have harmonious and compatible tunes for no matter what you are doing. I can't imagine Little Richard screeching Good Golly Miss Molly" with John Lennon lamenting "Yesterday" as counterpoint. The marriage wouldn't last a week. The idea of background music for all our endeavors appeals to me, but then I pretty much have a tune going in my head at all times anyway. Right now "When Sunny gets blue, her eyes get gray and grouty" is nibbling at the edge of my consciousness. That and "Buckle Down Winsockie, Buckle Down." Does anyone remember that old favorite?

I'm going to go eat breakfast now so I'm dialing up "a cuppa cup a cuppa cup" Later I'm going to take a walk to "I love to go a wandering along a mountain trail, and as I go I love to sing, my knapsack on my back" which makes little sense but the valderee valderaaah part is quite inspiring. After that, who knows? I'll let the music decide.

Thus Spake Zendoc.


Zendoc said...


Unknown said...

What song will play when you are batting in the major leagues?
David says "Blueberry Hill", I was thinking "Beast of Burden".

Zendoc said...

"Night On Bald Mountain." Put a little fear in the pitcher's heart.

Anonymous said...

I think if I had to have one song on a perpetual loop inside my head it'd be Stevie Wonder's "As." Happy, happy, happy.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED THAT SONG! I didn't think anyone else remembered it.

The Happy Wanderer
"I love to go a wandering
Along the mountain Path
And as I go I laugh and sing
My knapsack on my back

Valdaree, valdarah, valdaree, valdarah ha ha hah hah ha
Valdaree,valdarah, my knapsack on my back

I wave my hand to all I see
And they wave back to me
The blackbird sings so loud and clear
From every greenwood tree

Valdaree, valdarah, valdaree, valdarah ha ha hah hah ha
Valdaree,valdarah, my knapsack on my back"