Monday, November 19, 2007


I'm always impressed by people with perfect teeth. Met a couple yesterday, she from Costa Rica, he from Panama who both had perfect teeth. Their kid, who is two, had imperfect teeth, but he was wearing braces. Braces at two? Aren't they just a first set of choppers destined to fall out? Oh well, what do I know?

I'll tell you what I know,(and that won't take long) they were a nice couple, they complimented my Spanish and, as you might guess, they smiled a lot. People with perfect teeth always do. They were at B and L's house visiting when we, RTGFKAR, Woowoo and I, dropped in, which is how I got to know about their excellent taste in Gringo Spanish speakers and their perfect teeth. The guy, whose name is, I'm thinking Nicholas or maybe Nicole, imperfect memories go along with imperfect teeth, told me about his travails trying to get residency in Costa Rica so that he and his family could live there part of the year and spend time with his wife's parents. Their son, John Paul, the two year old with braces, was born in Costa Rica which automatically grants him CR citizenship, but leaves him lacking legal status in Panama. Nick, let's call him that for short, said the whole thing is a living nightmare, but he smiled throughout the telling. Can't say I blame him for that. With teeth like his, I'd smile at a funeral.

John Paul, by the way, was named after the Pope of the same name. The wife whose moniker is Michelle or some Spanish version of that, wanted to dub the child Juan Pablo, but the husband didn't like the way that sounded so they opted for the English version. The wife explained to me that she talks to the Pope and he's a close personal friend who answers her in her heart. My Spanish isn't good enough to translate uuuuEEEEuuuu so I let it go. Besides she was smiling and it's hard to take issue with perfect teeth.

Your probably wondering why I choose to tell you about all this, but then, so am I. Especially when I could have just said, Go Broncos. Hey, that Bronco horse logo has got some mouthful of teeth doesn't it?!


Unknown said...

A friend of mine was at the dentist's one day when she noticed a mold of someone else's teeth laying out. The dentist was embarrassed he had forgotten to put them away but then just had to tell her they were from the model Linda Evangalista, who had just stopped by for an emergency cap replacement. It seems very rarely are perfect teeth real!

Anonymous said...

My parents didn't love me enough to buy me braces.

Zendoc said...

#2son you have the best looking teeth in the family and that's why we all hate you.

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S why! I thought it was my long dancer's legs and milky complexion.

Anonymous said...

#1Son Actually, #2. We are required to hate you. We being older and younger than you. This leaves you in the middle and all middle children are seriously f*^$ked up. You have issues, we don't know what they are and we don't care.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, so it is my dancer's legs and milky complexion.

Anonymous said...

#1 Son...
Actually #2, it's your dangling skin tags and Frito-Lay aroma.