Saturday, November 17, 2007

This and That Part 3 or Maybe 4

Yesterday's blog was entitled "Blogging Religiously." Have I used that before? The Monkeymind has a monkey memory. No matter. There's nearly 250 Monkeymind blogs floating around in cyberspace annoying cyberspacemen and I can't remember a four item grocery list without writing it down, so I won't stress over using a title twice.

The rainy season ended abruptly yesterday as I said it would. The day dawned sunny and warm and remained so throughout. It's gone today though. Short dry season.

I fell asleep writing a poem in my head last night. It had something to do with the beloved lump in the covers beside me. Wish I could remember it. Would make Woowoo Charly happy. 'Course she'd think I was talking about the dog. Later, I started another about my boys. Been missing them lately. Can't remember that one either. I like rhyming though. I'll have to write some verse for real. Soon as a topic comes to mind. Something about Barry Bonds maybe.

I took my Barry Bonds to the bank
and they weren't worth a dime.

Yaddidda yaddida homerun rank
the Cream, the Clear, the Crime.

Something like that. Or maybe not.

We got our washer/dryer fixed yesterday. Remember when we had the flood? It's been broken since then. Had to order a part from Panama City. Took three weeks to get here. I could walk from Panama City in three weeks. Not that I'm complaining. I got to learn more vocabulary talking to the women at the Lavamatico where our clothes were cleaned in the interim.

Interim is a good word. Is there an outerim?

The rain has stopped and the big yellow ball in the sky has reappeared. Wait a sec...
there it goes again. Gonna be one of those days.

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