Thursday, November 01, 2007

Not Much Today

I'm reading a book by Osho called "Autobiography of a Spiritually Incorrect Mystic", an Elmore Leonard novel and the Sixth in the Harry Potter Series. This last in Spanish. I read Osho while we are playing Scrabble, Leonard before bed and Harry here and there. I'll finish Leonard first then move Osho into that prime reading spot as it's a borrowed book. I'll then move a new book into the Scrabble slot because Potter in Spanish requires too much concentration to play the game well. I'm thinking another P.G. Wodehouse lark. I picked one up at The Bookmark recently and I don't let P.G. lie around unread for very long. He's too funny. Why do I mention all this you say? That's easy. See the picture on the right hand side of the page? That's me and my stuff. Turns out I'm lacking the mind's proper glue and my stuff keeps falling out. No matter. Just makes room for more.

And here's another bit dribbling onto the page. I bought bags of M&M's for the Trick or Treaters last night. The kids don't actually do that trick or treat thing here in Boquete and you'd think I'd know that by now wouldn't you? Well listen up then if that's what you think. Of course I know that. What, I'm an idiot? Come on! How else am I going to justify those little bags of crunchy delight at my fingertips during Halloween Six The Revenge Of Michael Myers? I mean, you can't let them go to waste, can you?

So there you have that.


Unknown said...

Yeah, I did the same thing this year with the candy but David didn't buy my reasoning. You see, the one year I didn't buy candy, we did get trick or treaters and they were so sad I didn't have candy for them. Usually they just get all the candy they need going up and down 5th and 7th Avenue, where the stores and restaurants give our candy.

Anonymous said...

What a lucky kid Jax is - he'll always have candy on his birthday.

That is, if he takes after his mom and not his aunt Kooka.

Did you hear about Keely's costume? A dead dancer. Awesome.

And man, that girl can DANCE. I'm not kidding - she's unbelievably good. I was mesmerized for about an hour watching her dance one night during my last visit....

Zendoc said...

The next time any of you are in Denver show Homie how to send photos. If he doesn't have a digital camera, buy him one and I will reimburse you. We need more Keely and the boys photos.