Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blooooooggggg !

Did you know that the U.S. Adult Video (read porn industry) out grosses (good choice of words there) mainstream American cinema by over a billion and a half dollars in a typical year? I didn't either until I read David Foster Wallace's "Consider the Lobster." I also learned that Kafka is funny, Dostoevsky is better than I thought, dictionaries are politically biased, Mailer, Updike and Roth are the "great male Narcissists", Garner's "A Dictionary of Modern American Usage" is not about sex toys, but rather, a book worth having if you are a word junkie like Yers Truly, how 9/11 was viewed from a Midwestern point-of-view as it happened, all about Tracy Austin's short but amazing tennis career and why sports autobiographies always suck, the inside scoop on John McCain's 2000 run for president, the truth about the lobster festival in Maine and you bet it hurts to be boiled alive and everything you ever wanted to know about right wing talk radio,...among other things. I'm looking forward to reading more from this brilliant writer not only because I was so impressed with "Lobster", but because who could pass up books with the following titles?: "A Supposedly Fun Thing To Do I'll Never Do Again" and "Brief Interviews With Hideous Men."

The sun was up and about as I lowered myself onto my desk chair this morning, but has now, about an hour later, left to brighten, lighten and warm some other part of the world. Our garden, most of which I can see from where I sit, is pleading with old Sol to come on back and polish their petals. I'm not truly fluent in Plant but I can make out one bush saying something that translates roughly as, "Hey! Enough with the rain!"

I did watch and nap to the Real Madrid vs. Milan soccer match yesterday and it was as good as advertised. The Italian squad pulled out a 3 to 2 victory and what with the announcer screaming "Gooooaaalllll" at the top of his voice five times and our Cockers leaping from my lap whenever small birds had the audacity to land on our lawn, my nap was a bit of a jumpy, twitchy, nerve jangling experience. I do, though, like the joy and enthusiasm expressed by the soccer announcers when a goal is scored, so I am going to incorporate it into my daily life whenever I reach a goal of my own. To wit:


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