Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Small Rant

Still ailing and bored by it, but lacking the focus to watch anything more challenging than a cartoon kid show, I first dialed up an Adam Sandler flick, then followed it with a Rob Schneider - I hesitate to use the word - comedy and then moved along to a scene or two from Whatsisname, the guy from Saturday Night Live who is in everything these days...Will Farrel. To further prove that my brain cells were leaking at an alarming rate, I then watched a few minutes of a Mike Myers' had to have gone straight to video, movie. There were maybe a half dozen small laughs in the five hours or so I allowed my brain to be inundated with - I was going to say mental junk food, but this stuff makes junk food seem nutritious - garbage. I have apparently lost touch with what is now considered funny. For instance, when did sex become funny? Okay, don't answer that. Sex is funny from time to time, but big dick jokes, humping animals, naked sweaty fat people and hairy crotch references just don't tickle any of my bones, funny or otherwise. A guy repeatedly air fucking does not a funny scene make. Maybe I'm wrong though, because if you compare them to the bathroom humor that is apparently mandatory in modern comedies, sex jokes are a welcome relief. When did diarrhea, farts, load pants, piss pants and the like become staples of humor? To me gross outs are not funny. Gross outs are just gross outs and should be reserved for bad horror flicks. Even in that genre, gross outs should avoid excrement. Shit, to my way of thinking, is never funny.

All this brought to you by a guy who once said "no subject is too sacred to poke fun at." Oh no! Have I, perish the thought, slipped over into Fuddy Duddy Land? Please, say it isn't so. If you are under forty and agree with me, write and tell me at Old Guys Retreat, Fuddyville, Panama.

I did, sometime in the last few days, watch a small movie that I really liked. It was a John Cusack movie that had his sister Joan in it and was about a kid he adopts who says he is from Mars. There were good laughs in this flick and tears as well. Can't remember the name.

Here's my Twitter for the day: I like the Cusacks. If I were to get to pick of Hollywood celebs I'd like to know, they would be high on my list.


Anonymous said...

You have good taste in celebrities. The Cusacks are awesome. The movie you saw is called, appropriately enough, Martian Child. I haven't seen it - just added to my netflix queue.

And about the sex/potty humor: you are not a fuddy-duddy. That shit is not funny. (No pun intended.) It's lowbrow. And, more importantly, it's lazy.

You know what is funny? The Thin Man. I think I'm due for a fix of my favorite couple....

Zendoc said...

Your mother and I are Nick and Nora. Except she's not rich and I don't have Nick's tailor. I mean, the guy really dresses well. Also I think he has a beter liver than I do. And he's handsome. And witty. And...well, okay, we both like dogs.

#2son said...

A colleague of mine shared this true story, which I think is funny. At the lunch table she overheard two eighth graders talking.
8gboy: What the hell does sodomy mean?
8ggirl:Sshh! That's a bad word.
8gboy:Okay, what the heck does sodomy mean.
You have to love eighth graders.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Love that, #2son!

Joe said...

Two thumbs up for the Cusacks. John played a guy named Lloyd Dobler in one of his best roles ever. Can anyone name the movie?

And, I have to admit I liked Will Ferrel in the christmas elf movie he was in a few years ago.

Elizabeth Ballard, M.S. said...

I love both Cusacks and I think they are friends with my adopted cousin. How's that for the lamest name dropping ... ever? I'm so glad my 11 year old has been raised to actually enjoy I love Lucy in black and white, and just sat through, again, Gypsy. Ah for the old days when the camera stayed still and there was real dialogue. And humor was... humorous. I hear you.

#1Son said...

Nick and Nora? I'm going with Ma and Pa Kettle.