Thursday, October 21, 2010

Little Ado about Anything

There are thin, nearly see-through clouds loitering about this morning's sky. They are hanging there like petrified puffs of smoke which tells me there is no wind aloft to shove them on their way. Somewhat lower, tree level to be exact, there is an evident breeze as I can see leaves shimmering and shaking like your sister Sue.


Special K has a blog called, "Just Over My Shoulder." The other day I read this advice from a famous writer: Don't write about yourself, you're not that interesting. Putting those two things together, I've decided to write a blog called, "Just Over Myself." Bahdoompahpah.


Where are all the horror movies? It is late October, horror movie season, and our local satellite company, Juan's TV, hasn't aired any new ghastly or ghostly flicks in months. I mean, C'mon! There are zombies rising from their graves, ax murderers aplenty, vampires vamping and horny teenagers losing their virginity AND their heads, all while I'm subjected to either sappy boy meets girl or noisy he-man shoots many flicks. Borrrring!


And talk about rain!

No, I don't want to.

It rained so hard last night there were ducks at our door looking for shelter.


Well there you have it. When I start talking about the weather, you know my mind has melted to mush and I might as well donate it to the nearest zombie or join the Tea Party. I hear tell they are both in search of brains.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

When Piranha 3D makes its way to you, watch it. Then you will no longer be at a loss for severed body parts, scantily clad coeds, monsters, mayhem, or mutilation.