Saturday, August 12, 2006

Me and Rinpoche

In case you missed it, from the comments this: "Blogging has no object, no purpose, no reference point. One just blogs. One just simply blogs without aim, object, purpose, without anything at all. Nothing whatsoever. One just blogs. Blogging is just being there like a piece of rock or a disused coffee cup sitting on the table. So blogging is just sitting and being, simply." Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

To which I replied: He took the words right out of my mouth, which explains why I didn't say them myself.

What is a disused coffee cup anyway? I prefer sitting and being, complexly. But hey, that's just me. I like Rinpoche's name. It's kind of fun to say. Chogyam. That's a winner. Reminds me of my favorite writer. His name is P.G. Wodehouse. Pelham Grantham Wodehouse. We're talking a mouthful. Maybe Rampincher should shorten his moniker to C.T. Rumpoacher. Hard to give up that Chogyam though. Chog yam. I think those are grown in Tibet.

Not sure I'm really in accord with old Rudepuncher, though admittedly it's hard to disagree with a name like that. I think there's more to blogging than just being. I think, there's creativity, communication, self expression, philosophy and a laugh to pass along. The whole question of "good vibes" saved from The Sixties and reborn in the present. I think blogging has an object and a purpose. Well, mine anyway. Those other guys are just weird. My OBJECT is to put words on paper (which is now a figure of speech what with computers and blackberries and all) with the PURPOSE of entertaining myself and, hopefully from time to time, my readers. So Ringdinger, blogging may not have a reference point, but it does have a point of view. In this case old whatsisname's, me.

Sorry, Chogyam. I apologise for playing with your name. It's just too tempting. I realize you were simply trying to say something profoundly Buddhist about blogging, but to Monkeymind's way of thinking,..... dude, you need to lighten up. Have a beer. Watch a sitcom. Read my blog.

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