Friday, July 25, 2008

In Limbo

Woowoo Charly and I keep a NY Times Crossword Puzzle book next to our computer to occupy our minds as the computer tries to find its own. Today's offering is called "Bundle of Nerves" which exactly describes my condition as son T goes to the hospital this morning for diagnosis and possible treatment - depending on the diagnosis - of a lung problem. Prayers have been said, fingers have been crossed and lucky charms will be employed as we await news of T's condition. I suspect this will be a long day - waiting always makes it so - but I remain optomistic.

That's all I have for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone for the kind thoughts and wishes. I am home and feeling so much better. Hospitals suck. Unless, of course you need one. I can tell you that my surgical resident put the med in Dr. Ahmed and nurse Yemi had cold fingers. Other than that it was all a blur...particularly that epidural part....breathe, push...wait, what?
Now I'm just waiting for this other lung to inflate so I can get back to sailing!