Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Little Ado About Nothing

Nice day on the links yesterday. Woowoo Charly shot a 35 on the front nine, a score that included a long putt from the fringe on the last hole that gave her the win over Yers Truly by a stroke. Our playing partner, the Old Redneck, started the morning playing badly and his pet phrase "Goddamn it Larry!" was heard so often that before the day was out both Woowoo Chuck and I were using it after our own bad shots. "Goddamn it Larry!" He did, however, recover his swing by our third trek around the course and managed to shoot a nifty 33, the day's best. By then "Goddamn it Larry" was coming from me more often than he.

Today's blog is its own form of procrastination. I've embarked (woof woof) on a couple of long writing projects and my writer's group has just added a 1500 word autobiography to the list. 1500 words? I can do that on my birth alone. How am I going to squeeze in my 157 actual years and why would anyone want to read such tripe? I suppose I could just touch on the highlights like when Judy Cole let me touch her breasts UNDER her bra. Hey, c'mon, that was a big deal! Then, of course, there was the time I drove in the winning run with a last inning double. Well sure it was a slow pitch, co-ed, drinking during playing, softball game, but hey, it was a good hit. Other than those key moments though, I'm at a loss for what to say.

Doldrums is a good word. I wonder why no one uses it anymore. "I'm in the doldrums." Or is it, "I've got the doldrums." I've neither got nor am I in the doldrums, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. It's a Monkeymind thing to do.

Goddamn it Larry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

goddamn it larry! i've got/am in the doldrums too.

have fun with your new writing assignment!

here's something i read in the new yorker (i paraphrase):

'a good memoir should be like a good artichoke: not only the heart and leaves but the thistles as well are edible'