Thursday, January 24, 2008

Morning Madness a baby. a log. a hibernating bear.

And that being the case, I'm fresh as a daisy. Okay, I know what's implied by the baby/log/bear references, but what makes a daisy fresher than, say, a petunia? These are the questions that haunt the Monkeymind.

I started the morning with an hour or so of Yahoo news and sports. One headline intrigued me most and I hastened to pull it up. "UFO's sighted over Texas" with a subheading that read, "government says they were fighter jets." This was a video clip clearly begging to be viewed. I know what fighter jets look like after all, so I grocked that I could decide for myself what was tooling about in the skies over the Lone Star State. But nooooo, hold on there alien breath. My screen remained black until a message appeared saying, "this clip in currently unavailable." Why is that I wondered. Is the government trying to keep me from the truth again, "943 lies cited leading to Iraq war" was another featured headline, or was there merely some technical error keeping me from the video? This phenomena coupled with why daisies are fresh has my morning off to a puzzling start.

Arco Iris (who needs segues?) is the Spanish way of saying rainbow. Had one of those this morning too. Well, half anyway. It arched colorfully up from over there in the trees only to wink out abruptly in a suspicious looking cloud at about its highest point. I'm thinking the government had something to do with this mysterious disappearance as well. It's a little known and closely held secret that the U.S. has been conducting rainbow fire power tests with military applications for years. There will be no arco iris gaps in the U.S. arsenal if Bush can help it.

And what else? I've had an awful lot of coffee this morning which is better than a lot of awful coffee.

Yesterday we took a break from Home Improvement Do It Yourself 101 and motored over to Amigos Restaurant where we could sit Al Fresco and ourselves outside. We go there because Gus is welcome and they have excellent wings from both chicken and buffalo. Reeeeal small buffaloes. Woowoo Charly and RTGFKAR like the honey garlic chicken version and I opt for the spicy hot buffalo death chunks. My choice being predicated on the old axiom that says, a day without heartburn is like a day without a good kick in the groin. I mention this yesterday tidbit because I was out of things to say about this morning.

Tomorrow if I have the same problem I'll just make stuff up. (Never end a sentence with a preposition.)...I'll just up stuff make.


Anonymous said...

Like the Dead
Like a virgin
Like a rolling stone

Anonymous said...

Like, omigod!
Like, toooootally!
Like, I'm so sure!

Anonymous said...

Hey #1, you figured it out!