Thursday, August 20, 2009


Gadzooks! (with the exclamation mark) would be a good substitute for the overly used "Oh My God!" Let's all spread the word by saying Gadzooks! at least once a day and rid the world forever of OMG.

To demonstrate how unfair life can be I offer this: Yesterday, Woowoo Charly got her new driver's license. The picture on that license depicts an attractive woman in, say, her late forties, early fifties. The picture on MY license is of a crazed serial killer who makes Charles Manson appear benign and studly. Ah well, whaddaya gunna do?

Friend R recently had a doctor's examination that determined he has some liver problems and has been advised to join friend L on the no drinking wagon. After careful consideration of this, I have come to the strong conclusion that in order to protect my own liver, I will keep it far away from doctors.

Does owning an iPod make you a Pod Person?

Chipping the ball into the hole from off the green is something I manage to do about once a year. Friend S, a beginner who had never done it before, did it twice while playing with us Tuesday.

Why won't Bret Favre go away?

Russel Baker said this: "I gave up on new poetry thirty years ago when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens in a hostile world."
I say "Here here!" to that, but of course there is a lot of it I like.

I've just spent the last five minutes staring at the screen wondering what I am going to write next which is odd because last night I had ideas for at least three separate blogs. Did I write them down, you say?... Be serious.

I have purchased the NFL Package from Sky TV which will give me my choice from ten games every Sunday. Considering how bad the Broncos are predicted to be, this could be a painful expenditure.

Okay I have dawdled long enough. It's time to move along folks, the show is over.


Bonnie said...

A crazed serial killer at least is interesting. All my "official" photos make me look as though I'm on hard drugs.

Unknown said...

Have you thought of copy and pasting your monkeymind entries into the notes function on facebook? Actually, I think there is a way to make your status update on facebook link to your blog when it's new. A friend of mine does that...

Anonymous said...

D's right - you can link up your blog to FB. Cool.

I linked my Twitter stream to my new blog. Check it out:

Not really sure what I intend to do there - mostly write down stuff and post pics, I guess....won't be as fun to read as yours, Pops!

I promise not to say OMG. How about JFC instead? Or, better: "OH MY FROG!" Hee.