Sunday, August 23, 2009

One Armed Blog-ups

I may not be as physically fit as I once was but I can do 487 blog-ups, hours of jumping-blogs and run a blogathon without stopping to rest. Not bad for a semi-literate, aging poet wannabe.

Today though, I'm blogging to kill time. That's right, you remember yesterday when I was trying to slow time down? Well that didn't work, so today I'm beating it to death with a big...keyboard. Die you relentless "marching on" bastard, die!

Okay, just kidding. I'm really blogging to avoid doing other things. Things like resolving a plot hang-up on another piece of mind diarrhea that I'm currently dumping onto the paper like a good puppy, GOOD PUPPY! Sarah - what's her name? "Water For Elephants" - Gruen? says she likes to get her protagonists into the biggest messes she can think of and then try to figure out a way to get them out. Don't ever do this. Seemed like a good idea to me at first, but now my heroine is totally screwed and I can't seem to help her. She's doomed, I tell ya, doomed.

Stayed up to watch the first half of the Broncos game at Seattle last night. They looked pretty good. I mean those road uniforms are real stylish.

I spent most of yesterday in a chair trying to rehab my injured toe. I put it through a series of lower and elevate, dodge and duck, avoid the the dogs exercises to some avail. It was stomped on less frequently by mutt paws than on an average day.
My plan for today is more of the same. By Monday though, I have to come off the injured reserve list and get back in the game. The dogs need walking, the lawn needs mowing and my heroine needs saving.

As for that any ideas?


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That's weird. I deleted my comment somehow while trying to post.

Here's what I said: Use the chick from ALIAS as your model - she could get herself out of anything with a combination of physical strength and finesse, electronic gadget know-how, and seduction. Not necessarily in that order.

Unknown said...

Did you try a wig? She was big on wigs. And fake accents.
For the toe--did you try Robitussin?
Hope it's healed enough by the time you head to NYC!

Zendoc said...

The chick from Alias, Jennifer Garner, I don't want to use as my model. I want to use her as my...well, we get into that.

Zendoc said...

I love the Resident Evil series. Milla is increible. (In-cray-ee-bley)
There was a brunette in one of the early ones I also would consider for my personal bodyguard. Anybody know who the actress was?