Thursday, December 31, 2009

Old Out, New In

Some of you, unlike Yers Trewly who is always dank, are not up to date on the latest "in" vernacular. To help correct your deficiency in this area, I will define a term for you here and there throughout the new year. Dank, for instance, means possessing ideal properties. Example in a sentence: That is one dank suit Biz-natch! Synonyms: kick-ass, tight, fly, sick, and phat.

New Year's Eve morning. Rainbow doing its colorful arcing thing to my right, chicken clucking "ba-doc ba-doc" somewhere off to my left. Dogs barking at my back. QUIT THAT! Other household denizens still abed. Wait! One of them is stirring. A microwave oven meep meep meeps in the kitchen announcing tea water is hot. Our plan to celebrate the year past and welcome the year lurking round the corner is an early dinner out at El Pianista, an Italian place not far from here. An hour from now would be good for me, but I doubt Doris the owner opens the door this early. Yup, one last pasta blowout before I endeavor to make my profile appear a couple of months less pregnant than it does now. That's my New Year's Resolution. Well, that and achieving world peace, bagging a hole-in-one, tomahawk dunking over Lebron, writing the great Panamanian Novel and returning my new flashlight to La Reina because it doesn't work. A man has to have goals afterall. What pray tell, are yours?

I will miss 2009 in many ways, although certainly not its last quarter when I was besicked. I wrote a lot, more than in any other year and my output included genres I had never tried before; sci-fi, horror, noir and even a truthful accounting of an actual event rendered as a Twilight Zone episode. Big Fun all. I think, though, that in 2010 I will "go long." I have a project already under way. I will continue to blog, but, likely, with less frequency.

Happy New Year to everyone. Don't get too faded tonight. (Faded: intoxicated. Synonyms: bent, baked, blunted and blazed.)


Anonymous said...

How was dinner at La Pianista? Love that place.

My resolution? Discipline. I intend to work to make more space and freedom in my life. So I can be of benefit to others. Dude. That's dank.

Zendoc said...

Dinner was phat!