Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Kids On The Block !

Subscribing to a theory that I just made up which says, "If the hole in your heart is too big to be filled with a new dog, by all means get two", we did exactly that. Monkeymind readers meet Raphael and Mathilda, less formally known as Raffi and Matti.

We were in David yesterday to look for bar stools, a reasonably priced lawnmower and to have another hunk of this hunks handsome face, looking more and more phantom of the opera-ish every day, carved off and discarded by my friendly - he's always happy to see me - neighborhood dermatologist. We got two of the three, the wily, elusive lawnmower still avoiding capture.

A week ago on yet another jaunt to less than legendary David we had stopped and put our name on a Melo The Pet Store list for a call should they happen to acquire either golden retriever, cocker spaniel or, the longshot, corgi puppies. Woowoo Charly suggested that we should go back to Melo and tell them we would also be interested in any mixed breeds if we liked the look of them. We walked in the store and lo there was a sleepy blonde cocker in a kennel. Alrighty then, let's have a look. A clerk there says they have another in the back that they were just then bathing. I wander over to take a look. As I pick up this little, wet, drippy, black ball o love, the phone in my pocket rings. It's Melo's store manager. He's calling me to tell me they have the dogs. I walk around the corner and there we are talking to each other, face to face, with phones to our ears. We both laugh. In that slender interim Charly has bonded with the dogs and says to me I better go get RTGFKAR who is waiting in the car. A half hour later we are driving home with the pups you see pictured here.

No we haven't put Gus out of our minds and probably never will completely, but the business of looking after two frisky new pups who play until they drop, nap and then play some more and whose goal in doing so is to get into everything possible, tends to keep our gloomier thoughts at bay. It feels good to have furfaces back in the house.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new dogs. I am envious.

Unknown said...

Wow! They're adorable and beautiful. Are they from the same litter? How old? How did you pick the names? I think little Gus would be happy for you.
Big hugs.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Raphael and Mathilda - such adorable furry little ones! You're gonna have your hands full - and that's awesome! xox

Anonymous said...

So tell us: who's a bigger terror? who's a bigger snuggle bunny? Remind you at all of the adventures of Garp and Shibumi? Thank goodness you don't have a waterbed! Hee.

Zendoc said...

Thanks to all. Monkeymind will keep you up on newsworthy puppy stuff.