Sunday, March 02, 2008


On the side of a Hilary grows in Brooklyn. (I make no apologies.)

Enneagram 5's like high energy people so it's not surprising that Woowoo Charly and Bonnie the Bookworm like Papa Ricco. He's a loud monologist who has opened an Italian restaurant in downtown Boquete named after himself. We had dinner there anoche and the fare was excellent as Papa is a good chef and at six bucks an entree you can't beat the price. Papa came out of the kitchen to regale us with his now- getting-repetitious tales of tossing people out and I wonder how many times his neighbors have heard these same stories as Papa is, as I've noted, very loud. He's also profane, although his swear word vocabulary seems to be limited to the word fuck. The ladies in our group, Woowoo, Bon and Cheryl were seated together at one end of the table and all seemed entertained by Papa Ricco's colorfully told tales. The guys, RTGFKAR, Paul, The Old Redneck, and Yers Truly, had opinions ranging from mildly amused Paul, to tolerated by Ramon and Yers, and then down the road to the instant dislike of Larry the O.R. who pronounced Papa "full-of-shit." He is that, of course, full of it, but it's his "schtick" and he throws it out there take it or leave it. I'm sure we will be going back on future occasions as Papa does serve up the best Italian food we've had in Panama. Personally though, I'm hoping he stays in the kitchen.

Today is Sunday and there are political pundits - a person who has or professes to have great learning; actual or self professed authority - (I'm thinking in this case, mostly self professed) chattering away in the background. This means that Woowoo Charly is getting her weekly fix of Democrats versus the blankety blank Republicans (that's her way of swearing although she can get more graphic if a Bush is involved)and it's time for me to get busy with breakfast. I'm thinking French Toast although Botswanian toast is also an option. Anybody got the recipe? Afterwards there should be some NBA or golf on the tube so I can appease my jones as well.

I heard this next on a bad movie last night: If you catch yourself saying the word fuck at an inappropriate moment (and most of them are) follow it immediately with "crying-out-loud."

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