Saturday, July 08, 2006

Powerless in Panama

I just finished showing my wife the generic Latin move. This is a move one must be able to execute if one ever hopes to dance to Latin music. I use it to shake out the kinks I acquire from sitting at the keyboard for a couple of hours. I do it to the music in my head. As my wife doesn't hear the music in my head, she merely peers over the top of her book and looks at me as if I were crazy. This look and the exasperated, now what are you doing, are two of her most common expressions. I love her very much.

Yesterday our power was out for several hours. We were powerless. Helpless. At the mercy of the elements and Union Fenosa the power company. Say that a couple of times, Union Fenosa, it's kind of fun. What does one do when one has no Power, you ask? (I'm using "one" here instead of the more common "you" as a way of classing up the blog. It's a Norman Mailer thing.) What we ones did, (see how classy that is) was to move chairs out front, pour some wine and watch the flowers grow. We also had a deeply intellectual talk. Something to do with golf, a deeply intellectual subject. Eventually our power was returned to us and we went inside and watched some deeply intellectual tv. Scrubs was on. But the whole thing got me to thinking, which, as you know, is rarely a good thing. How could our power just go away like that? We paid for that power. Does Dubya's power shut off unexpectedly? Heck no. He's paid millions for it. In fact there are corporations paying him millions to get some of his power for themselves. So I guess that's the answer. If you can afford a lot of power, you can keep your lights on and you can, you know, rig elections, start wars and buy a lot of red ties. One would think though, maybe even two or three, that with all that power, GW's bulb wouldn't burn so dimly.

But this is not a political blog, this is an educational blog. This is a blog where one goes to learn the esoterica of a monkeymind. And today's bit of that is...the English language has 42 sounds that are spelled, are you ready for this, 400 different ways! Or, if you are George Bush, several thousand. (Whoops, sorry.) And here I sit with a spell check that doesn't work. Also not working is my grammar check, my content check, my focus check and my where am I now check. I can dance though, watch this. I'm empowered.

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