Saturday, September 02, 2006

Just Another Day In Panama

Now that I've had a day to think of it, I'm fairly certain the movie was "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes."

I didn't get to watch an entire movie yesterday, but I did catch a bit of the cartoon flick "The Prince of Egypt." This is an animated remake of "The Ten Commandments" and it looked well done. The cartoon character playing Moses was a far better actor than Charlton Heston, but then, he, unlike Heston, was able to make actual facial expressions beyond stern.

My usual movie watching time slot was pre-empted by a visit to our travel agent. It was there that we learned our airfare to NY would cost $150 more than last time because of fuel costs. That's per ticket. I think the planes have got to stop pulling into those Exxon stations and start shopping the discount spots like Shamrock and Emerald. We take The Beast to a station outside of David that has no name at all, just pumps. It's often 15 cents a gallon cheaper than Shell, Texaco and the other biggies. Delta and Continental need to fill up there. How expensive can jet fuel be anyway? It's made from burritos isn't it?

In other news yesterday it rained and our power went out. These are fairly common occurences during the Rainy and Power Going Out Season which runs from May to November. The Dry and Power Going Out Season runs from November to May. Woowoo Charly and I sat on the balcony with cocktails and watched the rain come down. We would have had cocktails by candlelight but it was eleven in the morning. Just kidding, it was four...ish. The power was only out for an hour or so. Not much of a seige. The last time it was closer to six hours and it came back on in the dead of the night to awaken us from dreamland with forgotten lamps bursting on, digital clock flashing, computer beeping, printer noises and our dog leaping off the bed to bark at the ruckus. Nice.

And speaking of movies, flying and being powerless, has anyone seen "Snakes on a Plane"? and if so, why? Yikes. What a concept. Who would go to see snake movies besides someone like me who is compelled by lack of reason to watch horror movies even when they are bad. Snakes are creepy, literally and figuratively. Where are those killer tomatoes when you need them?

1 comment:

Zendoc said...

And to think, I haven't seen it!

How could I be so remiss?