Saturday, September 30, 2006

Vote For Me 2

Sunday is often a misnomer. The sun doesn't always shine on Sunday. What does always happen on Sunday is sports. Therefore, during my presidency, a constitutional amendment to change the name of the first day of the week to Sportsday will be proposed. Friday, Saturday Sportsday. It sounds right to me.

Health care is a given. Ours is too wealthy a country for anyone to go without basic medical services. Most of the developed countries of the world already have systems in place to treat their citizenry. It is shameful that we don't. I will commission a study of all the best health care systems in the world to date and we will quickly devise a plan utilizing the best of these systems and this plan will be implemented in my first term. Of course there will be problems initially, we expect that, but we will learn what is best and iron out the wrinkles over time. For all the wealthy people who say they deserve better care than the unemployed non tax paying mug down the block, you are right and that care will be available. But you will have to pay. Non essential care like elective surgeries will be billed higher. Every nose job, boob job, penis enlargement and the like will be billed at a rate that will allow the hospitals and physicians to perform procedures on needy patients that are uncovered by our basic plan. Plastic surgery, for instance, on a child who was disfugured in a fire or car crash. People who feel they need care in excess of what is provided may either pay for better or continue to subscribe to the scam called health insurance companies. Their choice. Billions of dollars are currently being spent to wage an unnecessary war. In my administration, much of that money will go to this toast: To your health! Vote for me.


Anonymous said...

How much would one extra inch cost?

Zendoc said...

My running mate will be intimately involved in my administration. I'm thinking Halle Berry.

I don't know how much it would cost. I've only looked into the reduction fee schedule.