Monday, October 08, 2007

There's a Topic in Here Somewhere

"Government of the money, by the money, for the money." This from Kinky Friedman on Wolf Blitzer's show yesterday.

I know you shouldn't talk about religion or politics, but by God, politics suck.

Writer's block. The Broncos could learn from them.

I'm looking for something to write about. Anything. On the bottom of my screen it says something about Bold and Italic. My friend Ralph DeFranzo was a bold italic. I wonder where he is today.

It also says Publish, Save and Draft. I'm thinking that's not the proper order.

Books and movies, that's it. You can always talk about books and movies.

Let's see, I'm reading a Jim Harrison book called "Returning To Earth." A movie producer once told Harrison, according to Harrison himself in another book, that he hired Harrison not for his stories but because he created interesting characters. This book is like that; strong, original, believable characters set against a simple plot device, the death of the first character you meet. Lots of musing about the inevitability of death and the uniqueness of individual mourning. Hope and love do come into play through it all, but they seem somewhat underscored. "He said 'After all, the fact of death is the most brutal thing we humans are forced to accept', but then the sun came out again and I told him the day after the burial Herald had said, 'Mother, it can't be awful if it happens to every living thing.'" I will finish this book sometime today, I have perhaps twenty pages to read, and then I'll seek out the two old Wodehouse novels I picked up recently at our local libreria, the Bookmark. I feel the need to lighten up.

As for movies...I'm sure I've seen some.


Anonymous said...

We just saw the movie, "Once" and highly recommend it. It's a nice story and the music is fantastic. Glen Hansard and Merketa Irglova. Look them up on youtube.

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) Birthday Bride of Monkeymind!