Wednesday, June 07, 2006

It Won't Do

Lat night between 5 an 7, we received the annual rainfall of Colorado. We got it again between 9 and 11, 1 and 3 and 4 and 6. It is not raining as write this, but it looks like it might at any minute. Gus, who is lying here beside me, as is his wont in the early morn, doesn't like rain. (I threw in the word wont there, because Charly killed me with it in yesterday's Scrabble game.) This morning when I opened the door to let him out to do his business - I'm not sure what his business is, but I think it has something to do with accounting - he paused for a couple of seconds and I swear I heard him say "Sheesh" before he darted out into the downfall. He wasn't gone long. I don't usually mind the rain here in soggy Panama. It's warm, it keeps everything green and growing and apart from keeping me off the golf course a couple of times, it's not that intrusive. Lately, though, it has brought chillier temperatures with it and, as anyone who knows me knows, that just won't do. I didn't come to the tropics to throw another log on the fire.

And speaking of "won't" and not Charly's "wont", the one thing I don't like about Spanish is that there are no contractions. C'mon, I speak in contractions, I write in contractions, I live in contractions. For crying-out-loud they save TIME, which you can then stack next to your books and use when you start running out! I've heard Al Gore, we are running out! Why write or say "it is" when "it's" available? Doesn't make sense. Of course it's only we Gringos who are trying to save TIME. For us it is ( contractions don't always work, even if you are in a hurry.) something to hoard, because, you know, some of it is money. For Latinos TIME is something else; moments to fill with enjoyment and pass with love for one. Or is that two? Well yeah, but I'm also thinking they just have more of it. Why else do they go through life at such an unhurried pace and take the time to use entire words? Of course... they do speak them real fast.

We went to the Tuesday Gringo meeting at the Panamonte Hotel yesterday because the guest speaker was a veterinarian from Denver. He comes here a few times a year to help with the free, (if you have no money) Spay and Neuter Clinic. His topic for the day was fleas and ticks and why they make such terrible pets. He highly reccomends that you switch over to cats or dogs, becuase even though they eat more it's not your blood. We went to see if we could find help for Gus' continual scratching which, when he does so on our bed in the dead of the night and even in the still alive but dying part of the night, mimics the feel of earthquake tremors and can take you away from that sandwich thing you had going with Haile Berry and Jennifer Garner. We learned a lot and should be able to relieve Gus of some of his manic scratching and our dreamus interruptus.

One last thing, I think I have enabled the comment section of my blog. Somebody give it a try will ya. If it doesn't work you can always email me at


Zendoc said...

just testing

Anonymous said...

just got started, this being my first read. Enjoyed it (par usual) ahhh..the pace of life. keep on writing,will keep reading, thanks!MaryEllen